From when I was young I fell in love with playing Music.

I come from a musical background my father always played good old school music and My Mother, Sisters and I had the best times grooving to it.

DJ Mak

My dad bought a music system as I was growing up, I watched him connect it and sometimes I would actually help him connect the music system and we would get involved in playing the good old tunes.

After some years around the age of 13, I could played the music system all by myself. I taught myself how to mix music. I often hosted parties in the neighborhood and invited all my friends to come have a good listen to my music.

I travelled to Cape Town at the age of 20 to take up my College studies. During my college years I got introduced to Bobs Bar as I was walking down long street with friends, then got acquainted with the owner and I came there once in a while to listen in on some good music. After completely 3years at varsity I gave the owner a mix that I put together, he enjoyed and then offered me a DJ job as their only female DJ.

This is me DeeJaying at Bobs Bar
